Project Overview

Small and large scale utility projects around the City of Ann Arbor:

  • Weldon Boulevard: Covington Drive to Waverly Road
  • Glastonbury Road: South cul-de-sac to north cul-de-sac
  • Fifth Avenue: Packard Street to East Jefferson Street

Why is this project being done?

Weldon and Glastonbury

The existing water main beneath these streets is old, has a high break history. The storm structures in the project limits are a configuration that requires extra maintenance and cleaning. The roads are in poor condition.

Fifth Avenue

The water main on Fifth Avenue from William to Jefferson was replaced and upsized previously. The remaining water main from Jefferson to Packard is undersized and needs to be replaced. Some of the storm structures on Fifth from William to Packard are old and damaged.

Work to be done

Weldon & Glastonbury

  • The water main will be replaced with a new 8-inch water main. New fire hydrants will be installed to increase fire suppression coverage.
  • Stormwater inlets will be replaced with new structures.
  • The road will be resurfaced. The new surface will be paved to the gutter pan of the curb (not overlaid, like it is now). The curb and driveway openings that need to be replaced due to poor condition or a non-standard design will be replaced to aid in the longevity of the road.
  • Crosswalks pavement markings will be painted on the road.
  • No traffic calming measures are planned for either road.

Fifth Avenue

  • The existing 6-inch water main from Packard to Jefferson will be replaced with a new 12-inch water main.
  • Some storm structures will be replaced.
  • The road will be resurfaced by the Resurfacing Project.

Funding Sources:

  • Water main work will be paid for by the Water Supply System Fund.
  • Stormwater system improvement will be paid for by the Stormwater Fund.
  • Repaving will be funded by the Road, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Fund.
  • Street closures: residential access will be maintained but may include delays during working hours. Cross street traffic will be maintained as much as possible.
  • Water service will be interrupted for short durations during water main installation. Planned disruptions will be limited, and residents will be informed in advance.
  • Water main breaks happen during construction, these are not planned therefore notifications are not possible. The breaks will be repaired, and water service will be restored as soon as possible.
  • General noise and dust from equipment, particularly during site excavation.
  • Relocation and the addition of new fire hydrants may change or eliminate some on-street parking along the streets.
  • Mail and delivery services, as well as garbage, compost, and recycling pick up will not be affected.
  • The project limits are within the City Right-of-Way which extends from the center of the road to 1 foot behind the back of the sidewalk on both sides of the road. The contractor will be allowed to store materials and equipment in this area (outside of tree canopies). Any disturbed area will be restored with grass seed after the project.
  • The excavated area will be generally limited to the road, however, some curb is planned to be removed and replaced which will disturb the area 1-2 feet behind the curb. Any private utilities i.e. sprinkler systems within the City's Right-of-Way are the responsibility of the homeowner and may not be repaired if damaged during the project.
  • Construction notifications, with an estimated schedule, will be delivered prior to construction.

Check back soon!

Project Boundaries