Project Overview

Why is this project being done?

The Washington Bike Boulevard project will create a 0.8 mile-long All Ages and Abilities (A3) bike priority corridor as a low stress alternative to biking on Huron Ave.

The project extent stretches from S Revena Blvd at the Huron/Jackson/Dexter intersection to W Washington St and the length of W Washington St to 1st St. The project is anticipated to apply the following elements to the Bike Boulevard:

  • Signage and markings to indicate bike travel priority and assist people biking with wayfinding
  • Diverters and other features that discourage motor vehicle through trips
  • Traffic calming features to encourage safe speeds
  • Safe crossings at major streets to facilitate a clear, comfortable experience for people biking

Bike Boulevards are featured in the Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero Comprehensive Transportation Plan as an All Ages and Abilities Bike Route tool for local streets with low vehicle volume. Running parallel to the high-speed, high-volume, heavy vehicle on the state trunkline, Huron St, W Washington provides a lower stress parallel route for people cycling.

This project will be constrained by the grant budget, environmental clearance process, Slauson campus construction in 2026/2027, and future capital project on Washington St.

Funding sources

This project has received a Carbon Reduction Program grant that will be matched with Ann Arbor Climate Action Millage funds for a total of $250,000. The grant must be used in FY 2026. The awarded funds are sufficient for some, but not all of the elements that would be beneficial to a bike boulevard environment.

The Washington Bike Boulevard project aims to increase safety, comfort, and access for people cycling as an alternative to Huron St.

  • Safety: Reduced complexity and vehicle turns at S Seventh St
  • Comfort: Slowing vehicle speed and reducing vehicle volumes will encourage people who are curious but cautious to use walking and cycling to make short distance trips.
  • Access: The bike boulevard will connect with the downtown bikeway and provide A3 access to the Ann Arbor YMCA and Slauson Middle School.
  • This project will use paint and post elements that could change vehicle turns, volumes, and parking on W Washington St.

Public engagement: check back soon!

Project Boundaries

map extent of the bike boulevard on W. Washington St.

map extent of the bike boulevard on W. Washington St.