Project Overview

The city uses a lime softening treatment to remove dissolved minerals prior to disinfecting and filtering drinking water. A by-product of this process are lime residuals, most of which are captured at the water treatment plant and hauled off-site for use on agricultural land.

However, some lime must be piped to the lime residuals lagoon (located to the west of Wines Elementary School, south of M-14) during maintenance activities or emergencies.

This lime lagoon is nearly full and storage space is needed. The lagoon is regulated by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the city is responsibility for monitoring and maintaining the lagoon in accordance with permits and regulation issued by the MDEQ.

Work to be done

  • Excavate/dredge accumulated material in lime residuals lagoon
  • Pump to water treatment plant to be dewatered on-site
  • Trucks will haul away dewatered material
  • Clean up of roads along hauling route as necessary

Truck hauling route

  • Residuals will be dewatered at the water treatment plant, located at 919 Sunset Road
  • Trucks will haul material away using Sunset, to Newport, to Miller, to Maple.
  • Noise generated from the dewatering press equipment at the water treatment plant, dredging/excavation equipment and generator and trucking operations.
  • Some traffic congestion due to the trucks entering and exiting the site.
  • Dust may be produced by vehicles
Overhead image of the lagoon

Overhead view of the lagoon that holds lime residuals from Ann Arbor's drinking water treatment plant.