Project Overview
The East Medical Center Drive Bridge over the Amtrak Michigan will be rehabilitated in order to return it to a State of Good Repair and prolong its life span. The project limits include East Medical Center Drive from Fuller Road/Maiden Lane intersection to Cancer Center.
Why is this project being done?
The East Medical Center Drive Bridge over the Amtrak Michigan line was constructed in 1982 and is now being inspected every twelve months due to its deteriorating condition. It was the City's intent to rehabilitate the Bridge in order to return it to a State of Good Repair and prolong its life span. The University of Michigan was also interested in partnership for this project and to widen the bridge in order to improve traffic flow into and out of the Medical Center.
Funding sources
- City of Ann Arbor Street, Bridge and Sidewalk Millage Fund
- The University of Michigan
Total Costs: $15 million
- Temporary lane closure and sidewalk closures; detours will be posted on the City of Ann Arbor's road and lane closures page and University of Michigan Construction Alerts Notices page.
- One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained on East Medical Center Drive Bridge at all times; however, lanes may shift as the construction of the bridge will be done part width – west side first, then east side.
- Construction will unavoidably generate dust and noise and many other inconveniences. In addition, you may see construction equipment, signs relocated, utility flags, surveyor stakes, and protection fences located along the roadway which are important to construction and should not be disturbed.
The project team will make every effort to communicate traffic control changes and detours to the general public, residents, hospital staff and patients.
Feb. 4, 2025 Project Update:
Phase 3 of the project has begun. Beginning at 9 a.m. Monday, Feb. 10, depending on weather, the two vehicle lanes currently open will be shifted from the west to the east side of East Medical Center Drive bridge, from West Medical Center Drive to Fuller Road/Maiden Lane. One vehicle lane in each direction on the bridge will remain open throughout project duration; one vehicle lane in each direction on the bridge will always remain open throughout the project duration. For road and lane closure details on this and other projects, please visit the city's road closures page.
Project Boundaries
East Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation project extent